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Undergoing Work Property Insurance

Protect your property from the unforseen

Undergoing Work
Property Insurance

Cheap Undergoing Works Property Insurance

Properties Undergoing Work

Undergoing works property insurance, sometimes called renovation insurance, is a specific insurance policy you might take out as a homeowner. Ordinary homeowners’ insurance types include building insurance and home contents policies. However, undergoing works property insurance specifically covers any renovation, refurbishment, or building work you have completed within your building.


We need undergoing works property insurance for many reasons. Your home is at greater risk of damage while renovators work. Making alterations to your home adjusts the structure of your house. Depending on the project, you could significantly alter the price it would cost your insurer to rebuild, should your whole house fall down one day. If you alter your home enough, it will invalidate your existing policy.


There is also the problem of gaining insurance cover for the new build, once it is complete. If a homeowner added a garden room and failed to tell their insurer, that garden room would not be part of the insurance policy. Should the worst happen and the outdoor room sink, crumble, or catch fire, you would not receive any of your investment back.

Key features of Undergoing Works Property Insurance

Undergoing works property insurance covers certain aspects of building work that a standard building insurance policy doesn’t cover. The key features of undergoing works/renovation insurance include:


  • Cover the areas of the home that are not undergoing renovation, particularly to protect it against construction damage.

  • Liability cover on the off chance that a construction worker becomes injured in your home.

  • Structural damage cover for the whole house.

  • Protection against deliberate destruction caused by an unhinged worker.

  • Cover for acts of God.

  • And also cover for unoccupied buildings that are undergoing renovations without the owners present.


Do you need to tell your insurer about renovation works?

​Yes, you do need to tell your insurer before you take on a renovation project in your building. Making additions and subtractions from your home mean construction workers will be coming and going. They may dabble with your electrics or the plumbing, the gas or flammable insulation. Each new worker brings a new potential risk, especially given the nature of their work. A standard home insurance package does not cover these excessive risks.


While redecorating a room is a perfectly valid change to make to improve your quality of life, any structural alterations you make to the property takes you farther from the house described in your home insurance policy. Whether you are adding a garage, putting in a second bathroom, or even adding another window to a room, there are steps you need to take to protect your investment. The farther your home is from the home you insure, the greater the chance you invalidate that policy by accident.


Do you need insurance for a house renovation?

It is advisable that you take out undergoing works insurance/renovation insurance for your home if you are going through refurbishment. Any structural alterations to your home will require you to inform your insurer, who may point out the invalidity of your insurance policy during the construction process.


Is it illegal not to have undergoing works insurance for a home refurbishment?

​It is not illegal to forego undergoing works insurance when you are rebuilding or renovation your home. If damages happen or a tradesperson becomes injured, you may be liable to pay huge cash sums. Insurance is the safer option, particularly if you are leaving your home empty for more than 30 days.

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